Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Congressional Contracts

A wise man once said, “All that is required for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing”. I humbly submit that this axiom can be directly applied to our current national situation, with, perhaps a slight bit of rewording. So instead it would read, “All that is required for tyranny to triumph, is for patriots to do nothing.” Yeah, I like the sound of that. Make no mistake, ladies and gentlemen; we are fighting a war against tyranny. Daily, those despots in Washington, and even in our own state capitals, pass laws that strip innocent, law abiding citizens of a little more of their liberty. They say that these laws are for the good of the community, state, and /or nation. I submit to you that this is a bald faced lie! Very few, if any, of those jackals actually care what is good for the citizenry of this country. They care about lining their own pockets and getting re-elected. This is evidenced by the continual passing of laws that aid special interest groups and lobbyists in whatever pet projects they may have, while hurting the citizens. This cannot be allowed to continue! Our elected officials are supposed to be working for us. Were these kinds of actions taking place in the private sector, we would sue them for breach of contract.
In fact, that might not be such a bad idea. We should make our representatives, congressmen, senators, etc. sign contracts stating what they are obligated to do on our behalf, and prohibiting them from passing any laws or bills that work against the interest of their constituency. Then, when they mess up, we would at least have some course by which we could address these grievances. Also included in these contracts would be a morality clause. Why? It’s simple; if these men and women are responsible for running our country, they should be held to a higher standard of morality. Take for instance our armed forces. In the military, fraternization and adultery are illegal, punishable by court marshal and up to two years in a federal prison. These people, who are constantly in the public eye, should be held to the same level of accountability. I am so sick of hearing about this mayor, or that senator, cheating on his wife, cheating on their taxes, rape, committing murder or manslaughter, going on some drunken or drug induced binge, or being caught in various scandals such as soliciting sex from homosexual deviants. Yes, you know who I’m talking about. I should not have to list names.
It is true what they say: “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” That statement is proven by the fact that we have career politicians, who have never held an actual job in their lifetimes, running our country. In fact, they are not just running our country! They are running the banking, transportation, food, and healthcare sectors as well. These people have no idea how to run a business, and they are now in charge of the four largest private sector industries in the nation! How did this happen? Thomas Paine said it best. “When the people fear the government, you have tyranny. When the government fears the people, you have liberty.”
Personally, I’m beginning to believe that the majority of US citizens suffer from Attention Deficit Disorder. It’s like, “This is a travesty! We have to do some…Oh look! Something shiny…” We don’t pay attention to the news long enough to figure out that our country is in jeopardy. And what little news we do engage in, is twisted to fit the whims of a biased media. We don’t realize that liberty and freedom are under attack, not from any outside source, but from the very people who we put in office to protect those ideas. Adolf Hitler stated “How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think“. We cannot let this stand! I say to you that if we sit idly by while they strip away the very freedoms that our forefathers and ancestors fought so hard to obtain, then we deserve what we get!
Our children don’t deserve it. Our children deserve to grow up in the same free America that we grew up in. They deserve to be afforded the same opportunities that we were. They deserve to be able to choose for themselves. We owe it to them to preserve the proud heritage of this great nation. We owe it to our children to make sure that they have the freedom to make the decisions that will affect their futures. It is not our place to rob our children of the same liberties that we enjoyed.

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